
Exhale, Acrylic on wood panel, 4’ x 4’

My artwork is an exploration of the relationship human beings have with their environment. Humans identify with nature in many ways. This fuels my curiosity and inspires my work. I am influenced by the idea of place, the sentimentality of human interaction, and the transience of time. My work resonates with the places I’ve called home: California, Hawaii, the Pacific Northwest and Colorado. I absorb the natural aesthetic of my surroundings and replicate it in my work with exaggerated colors, lines and forms. I promote self-reflection by using natural representations that the viewer can easily relate to. I use a variety of materials and processes to communicate my ideas. Harsh, man-made material conflicting with the soft allure of organic matter appeals to my aesthetic.

Blight, Acrylic on canvas, 4' x 3'

Instinct, Acrylic on wood panel, 4' x 3'

Breath (details), Installation, Plastic bags, Flower oils and Fresh flowers, 15’ x 7' x 4’

Disintegration, Plastic, foam, charcoal, wood panel, 4’ x 3’ x 2’

Flower Frenzy, Acrylic on canvas, crackle paste, faux flowers, tree branches, 2.5' x 3.5'

Evanescent, Acrylic on birch wood panel, 5’ x 3.5’